Day 6 (July 2, 2008) - About a mile out of Commerce, GA, on Route
441 North, the tire on the driver's side rear of the van we were towing
exploded. Luckily, we had installed a tire pressure monitoring
system on the RV and the van. It immediately sounded an alarm
when the tire blew. We "limped" down the road until we came to a
right turn lane (just so happened to be right next to where we usually
turn off of 441 to go to the Country Boy RV park). When I got out
of the RV and went back to check the van, as you can see from the
picture, there was very little left of the tire. Luckily, the van
didn't roll over or get too much damage.

P.O. BOX 7052
(561) 447-4463