American Legion Post near the Covered Bridge

American Legion Post near the Covered Bridge

Prince and Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Prince and Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Carl and Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Carl and Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Carl, Prince, and Chelsea

Carl and Chelsea in the RV livingroom

Prince in the RV livingroom

Carl, Prince, and Chelsea

Carl, Prince, and Chelsea

The whole family

Entry sign for Blue Knob State Park

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park |

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park |

Stream and Colorful trees in Blue Knob |

Stream and Colorful trees in Blue Knob |

Colorful trees in Blue Knob State Park |

Colorful leaves in Blue Knob State Park |

Carl and the dogs in Blue Knob |

Prince and Chelsea in Blue Knob |

Entry to the Blue Knob State Park ski area |

Chair lifts at the top of the Blue Knob ski area |

Blue Knob ski and Country Club |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Blue Knob ski area chair lifts and slopes |

Sam, Katey, and Raven

Paul & Kathy's dog, Raven

Raven, Paul, Sam, and Carl


The weather forecast for Pittsburgh

"Frost" on the pumpkin

Snow in the Madison KOA - directly across from our RV

Looking down the hill

Looking back at our RV

Looking down the hill from the road in front of our RV

Looking across the valley from the road in front of our RV

Looking down the hill from the road

Looking behind the motor home

Looking across the road from us

Looking up the hill toward our RV