Looking up the hill at the RVs across from us

The view part way down the hill, across from us

Looking back up the hill

Looking up the hill

Looking up the road at our RV

Our RV from across the road

Our van

Looking up the hill from behind our RV

Looking down the hill from behind our RV

Open area at the end of our row of RVs

Looking at the owner's house

Looking out the windshield of our RV

Out the RV windshield as we drive down the hill

Looking out the RV windshield
near the lake at the bottom of the hill

Looking out the RV windshield at the road near the office

Looking out the RV windshield at the parking area near the office

The front of the KOA office building

The front of the KOA office building

The view past the KOA office building

View of the lake from the parking lot

View of the lake from the parking lot

Our RV waiting to get propane

View of the lake from the parking lot

Looking from the parking lot toward the "main" road

Looking at the lake from the parking lot

View of the lake from the parking lot

Looking toward the lake from the parking lot

View of lake from the parking lot

Joan checking the snow from the safe haven of the RV

Home Sweet Home, again |

Chelsea going out the doggie door

Chelsea scouting her yard

Prince and Lambie enjoying their yard