Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Ed

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Ed

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam playing with Gopher

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam surveying his "kingdom"

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam wondering "where is everyone?" |

Four Paws Kingdom - Dave, Sam & Bella

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam, Bella & Patch

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam, Bella & Patch

Four Paws Kingdom - Dave, Sam, Bella & Patch

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam & Bella |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam & Bella |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam & Bella |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam & Bella |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam & Bella |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam, Bella & Patch |

Four Paws Kingdom - Sam, Bella & Patch |

Four Paws Kingdom - Dave, Kimberly, Bella & Patch |

GA - along I75 - Sam at the Truck Stop

FL - along Route 51 - Fields of cotton |

FL - along Route 51 - Going over the Suwanee
River |

FL - along Route 51 - View of the Suwanee

FL-Perry - View at the KOA

FL-Perry - View at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Monster" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks through the windshield |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - Monster"Mudder" at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-Perry - "Mudder" Trucks at the KOA |

FL-near Perry - Pine forests along Route 19 |

FL-Suwanee River

FL - Farm country |

FL - Farm country |